Little Wing in Japan

We lived in NC from March,2004 to September,2006,and started my new life in Japan.This blog is for friends in NC and USA to show our life style in Japan and Japanese culture in English.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Hinako started to go to her school "Youchienn"

Finally Hinako started to go to "Youchienn" like preschol since this Monday.
The school bus picks up Hinako in front of my house at 10:05 everymorning,drops off her at 3:50.
It is more convinient time for Mom,don't you think?Although I have to make lunch box everyday!

It is not easy to make lunch box in Japanese style.
Also I'm supposed to make same one for my husband,too.
Now I'm getting be eary bird!!

At the begining ,I was very afraid of that she will cry at there,but she's grown up recently!!
But she looked so happy to go there,she can be friendly against stranger.
I should be glad that now she is friendly for everybody.

Last weekend,we went to Shimabara city in kyusyu to show our 2 girls to my grand mom.

Shimabara is beautiful city,and there is an old castle and old traditional houses,and then this city is famous with clear and pure water.
Also there is Mt,Fugen which erupted in 1990,it is well-known between valcanic researcher. The museum for the mountain was so real! Buried houses are kept to show how terrible mud flood was for future generatons!

My grand mother is living with first daughter and her husband,she looked so happy to see Hinako,kanako.
She is 92 years old now,she doesn't have any problem with body expect weak hearing.Her hobby is "Tanka",which is similar to "Haiku"She is enjoying her life,still now.

Little wing in Japan

We lived in NC from 2002 to 2006,it was wonderful time and we got a lot of great friends.
Now we came back to our country Japan,started our new life in Hiroshima city in Japan.
It was very different from American life style,we are cherishing USA so much.
Of course,we are missing our precious friends in NC,NY.

This blog is showing how we are in Japan for friends in NC.

Hello my friends!!

We can see you here again!!!